Customer Highlight – Labels In The Garden

Labels in the Garden

The stickers we produce have tons of different uses that even we do not know about sometimes! We love getting emails from our customers and having them tell us how they used our labels, as no one has before. Recently, we got an email from one of our customers telling us how they used our sticker on the veggies and fruits that they grow. Below is the email we got from them.

Sue's Email

Your labels are VERY HELPFUL in the garden!

My husband and I have been growing veggies and fruits for our own consumption since 2020. We’ve successfully grown tomatoes, peppers, ginger, turmeric, strawberries, arugula, eggplant, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, butternut squash, purple sweet potatoes, green beans, etc. 

HERE’S WHERE YOU COME IN: We planted passionfruit seeds from fruit that a friend gave us. The seedlings grew to vines. The vines produced flowers and – amazingly – the flowers produced fruit! Passionfruit! Here’s what we learned about the fruit – when it’s unripe it has cyanide so we must wait until the passionfruit is completely ripe. Usually, when it’s completely ripe, it falls off the vine. We were challenged to figure out how we’d find the ball-shaped fruit. We came up with this idea – use labels on the fruit (only the center of the fruit is edible) so if it falls and rolls, we’ll be able to see the labels using our blacklight flashlight!

We got your labels yesterday. We put them on the fruit. We went out last night with the blacklight flashlight and gave it a go. SUCCESS! See for yourself.

You should consider marketing to gardeners. Between labeling tools and gardening gear like shade cloths, stakes and ties, and rind-covered fruit and veggies, there’s always a need for labels. 

Thanks, Sue

How These Labels Worked For Sue

Below are pictures Sue sent us to show us how the labels work! These photos include pictures of passionfruit, our labels under the blacklight, our labels in the day time, and how well these labels worked for what Sue and her husband needed! They thought above and beyond, and we are so happy our labels could help!

Thank You Sue!

Sue C. and her husband are located in South Florida and started their micro garden at the beginning of the pandemic. They have been experimenting with tons of different peppers and other produce, all while the sun, butterflies, and bees grant them great harvests. They’ve been growing what they need for food in their kitchen and started the garden to ensure they would always have fresh produce. Thank you, Sue, for your kind words! And we are so glad that our labels could help! 

Check out the labels Sue and her husband used here!

Who We Are

Our company is in Salt Lake City, Utah. All of our products, including our vine ripe labels, are made in the U.S.A. If you order before 1 PM MST (Monday – Friday, excluding holidays), we do our best to ship out the same day. Contact us if you have any questions or would like a sample of this label to make sure it fits your needs. We also make custom labels if you can not find the perfect sticker for what you need.