retail tags

Types of Retail Tags Your Business Needs

If you’re in the retail business then you know that having an organized system is essential. One way to stay organized is by using a variety of retail tags, stickers, and labels. These can help you identify all of your products and properly communicate information to your customers. 

Price Tags

Perhaps the most important piece of information your customers will need is the price of products. The price should be obvious and easy to find. When it comes to indicating price, you can find a variety of labels and stickers available. You can start by purchasing bulk amounts of stickers with common prices such as $5 or $10. You can also purchase blank labels so you can put custom prices on all your products. If you choose this route, you might consider getting blank stickers in a variety of colors so you can use the same color for similar prices. A color system can be a helpful way for you to stay organized and it can give customers a visual cue for different prices. 

Sale Tags

Sometimes products will go on sale. This is a great deal for your customers, but it’s also an opportunity for you to sell more products. If you purchase stickers that say “sale item,” “50% off,” or “Reduced Price” it grabs your customers’ attention. They will be drawn to these items more than regularly priced items and more people will purchase the sale items. Make sure you purchase sale tags that are in bright colors so they’re very obvious to your customers. There are even sale stickers that come in unique shapes that are very eye-catching. In addition to getting fun colors, you can also get stickers tailored to your sale. You can purchase stickers that have the sale amount (such as 50%) already printed or you can buy stickers that allow you to fill in the sale amount yourself. 

Highlighted Product Tags

In addition to sale items, you may also have special items you want to highlight. For example, if many people are purchasing the same product you can get some “Bestseller” stickers. This lets other customers know that a large number of people purchase this item and are satisfied with it. Drawing attention to best sellers will help you sell even more. There are also stickers that can highlight new items in your store. This will give customers a chance to try out the newest products available. 

Informative Tags

You may have some additional information that you want to give your customers before they make a purchase. For example, some items may be available for customers to test before they purchase the product. Having tester labels lets customers know which items are meant for everyone to use and try out and which ones are exclusively for purchase. Additional informative labels include those for discontinued items, clearance items, used items, and more. 

Tamper Resistant Labels 

One of the most important kinds of labels you can use in your retail business is tamper-resistant labels. These labels are placed on products to let customers know that they are the first to open them. For example, if someone is buying medicine and the tamper-resistant label is untouched, they know the medicine hasn’t been changed or added to and they can trust the contents inside. There are many types of tamper-evident labels you can use and it’s worth purchasing some for your store. 

Stickers and labels can help you get your retail store organized for both you and your customers. You should take some time to review the options available. Purchasing a variety of retail labels can help you make a big difference at your business. 

In Stock Labels has everything you need to get your retail store in order. Click here to view our selection of retail tags. 

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