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The Different Clothing Labels You Need

The Different Clothing Labels You Need

The Different Clothing Labels You Need

When you’re making and selling your own clothes, you need to make sure you have all the proper labels. Some of these labels will be sewn onto the clothes and others need to be attached by adhesive or barb fastener in your store. Getting all the right labels will provide you and your customers with a better experience. 

Size Labels

One of the first things your customers will look for when looking at your clothes is the size. They need to find the correct size, and it’s your responsibility as the seller to provide this information. There are two ways you can incorporate size labels into the clothing item, and it might be best to employ both methods:

The first option is to have a size label sewn onto the clothing. This can easily be checked by the customer in the store and it can be referenced after they’ve purchased it as well. The second method is using stickers for your size labels. These stickers are temporarily placed on the clothes while in the store and they are also more visible than sewn-in labels. This is especially true when you have clothes folded and stacked. Size stickers can be seen right on the fold so customers can quickly grab their size. 

Care Instructions 

Clothing is made from many different materials and each needs to be cared for differently. When applying labels to your clothes, you need to include some care instructions. This includes instructions on how to wash and dry the clothing item. You might need to include the temperature, what other clothes can be washed with the item, whether or not bleach can be used, etc. Care instructions also mention how to dry the clothes (in a dryer, what setting, if they need to air dry). You should include any other pertinent information on the care instructions. The care instructions label is one that is usually sewn onto the clothes so the customer can reference it again and again. 

Brand Labels 

When you sell clothes, you want to make sure people know who’s responsible for them. Brand labels are usually sewn into clothes and they proudly display the company/creator name. You can also get creative with these labels and include small representations on multiple parts of the clothes. You can even include adhesive labels that display the brand while in the store. 

Country of Origin Labels 

It is mandatory to include labels showing the country of origin for any items imported or sold in the United States. Make sure your clothes have a label of some sort that declares the country of origin. This can be printed onto the clothes or tags. For shirts, this will typically be in the same spot as the size and/or brand label. 

Hang Tags

In addition to adhesive tags and labels that are sewn onto the clothes, you can also include hang tags. These tags are temporarily attached to the clothing. Often, hang tags will display the price and barcode. However, you can also use hang tags for extra information about the clothes. A tag could explain more about the brand or how the clothes were made. For example, a hang tag could explain how the clothing is eco-friendly, if that’s the case. A hang tag is an excellent opportunity to provide your customer with more information and encourage them to purchase the clothing. 

colored shirts hanging up

You may not realize how important labels are on clothing, but they provide a lot of vital information. When you prepare to sell your clothes, you need to make sure you have all the proper labels. Be aware of what information is necessary to include so that your clients will know how to care for the clothing after purchasing and so that you maintain legal regulations. 

InStockLabels.com is your ideal place to find the adhesive labels you need. Click here to explore a variety of size labels for your clothing! 

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